Carlos Brown, when healthy, has been one of the fastest players on Michigan’s team. So what’s the problem? Dude can’t stay healthy. If Carlos is able to do that in 2009, however, Michigan fans will hope to see a more consistent version of the guy who ripped off an 85-yard touchdown run against Minnesot in 2007. Brown showed flashes of an ability to play the running back position consistently against Northwestern last year, and if he can stay healthy, he’ll be a dangerous, dangerous complement to Brandon Minor.
Brandin Hawthorne is a true frehsman from Pahokee, Florida, and one of 7 players who enrolled for the winter semester. Hawthorne is an undersized linebacker with great athletic ability. He’ll be used in a variety of ways for Michigan, including as a hybrid safety/linebacker, and as a designated blitzer. Hawthorne’s high school career comes with a championship pedigree, and he’ll hope to continue the trend in Ann Arbor.
Carlos Brown v. Brandin Hawthorne
- 2 Carlos Brown (88%, 416 Votes)
- 7 Brandin Hawthorne (12%, 57 Votes)
Total Voters: 473

The poll will remain open for 7 days, closing at 5PM next Friday. Have your heart set on a particular candidate? Try to sway others in the comments. The full bracket is visible here.
Other Open Polls:
Robinson v. Woolfolk.
Odoms v. Shaw.
Martin v. Koger.
Mathews v. Molk.
Ezeh v. Campbell.
Completed 1st Round Poll:
Minor defeats Sheridan, 952-53.
Van Bergen defeats Gibbons, 516-201.
Warren defeats Stokes, 646-113.
Schilling v. Emilien, 487-248.
Mesko defeats Ortmann, 634-85.
Cissoko defeats Toussaint, 460-270.
Forcier defeats Patterson, ___-___.
Stonum defeats Roundtree, ___-___.
Graham defeats Banks, appx. ___-___.
Posted under Football, Personnel
Tags: boring offseason, brandin hawthorne, carlos brown, heisman campaign
I’m a little confused about the goal of the bracket. I see four options:
1. Are we voting for the player that we think will be the most likely to be Michigan’s Heisman candidate? In that case, it’s Brown (assume a season-ending injury to Minor and a huge year Brown).
2. Are we voting for the player that we think will contribute the most to Michigan’s success this year? In that case, it’s probably Hawthorne (He’ll play a lot on special teams and will likely get as much PT on D as Brown will get on O.)
3. Are we voting for the player that we think will be most valuable to Michigan this year? That’s Hawthorne (we’re scary thin on D, and Brown is quite replaceable w/ Shaw, Smith, and Fitz).
4. Are we voting for our favorite? That’s Brown (Hawthorne’s an unknown and Brown is a great underdog story).
Based on the voting so far in all the matchups, I’d say that people are mainly voting on the basis of 4 (with some 1 mixed in). But if that’s the point, I’m not sure we really need a bracket. It’ll be Minor, Forcier, and Zoltan in your top 3. Pick an order.
I’d much rather see voting based on 3 or 2.
Write it down, Toussaint is going to be the surprise player of the year for the Big Blue.
chally, you just described why the real heisman is a horrible award. this, like the real heisman isn’t about anything particular. its a popularity contest mixed in with who might have be the best player.
its meaningless.
and since when did toussaint start playing for IBM?