
Somebody actually read my blog!

Considering I make the blog as essentially a resource for myself, rather than actually to give information to anyone else, mad props go out to MGoBlog (see link in the sidebar) for actually managing to not only find it, but find something worth posting about on his blog.

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Upcoming posts

Since it’s the offseason, there won’t be nearly as much football information to share for the next few months. Because of this, I’ll start covering more off-the-field stuff. However, that’s not to say that the actual football information will be neglected. Just keep that in mind and keep checking me out.

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My first post (how cute)

So this is my new blog where I will be discussing Michigan Football. I might occasionally talk about other sports, but football will be my main focus. I hope to provide thoughtful analysis, rather than just mindless homerism that you might see on a message board. I encourage people to comment on my posts, so there can be some intelligent discourse. My next post will be about the Alamo Bowl, so be sure to check it out.

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