
Varsity Blue

A few people have inquired in comments and e-mails, so heres the deal with the TV show:

Varsity Blue will return to the air the week before the season begins, with a season preview show. There will be a new episode every Monday (tentative, could be Sunday) through the end of the season.

As of right now, we are planning to only air in the dorms, but we will look into other distribution options (either local TV or internet) as the time draws near.

We are looking to change up the show, with some major improvements this year, which will be revealed over the summer so I have things to post about. We are NOT planning to shoot at Charley’s this year.

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Jalen to Braylon Shoutout on ESPN First Take

…which is Cold Pizza, but with a less retarded name.

When asked about LeBron, he said that King James is the only reason people in Cleveland are talking about basketball, instead of just the Browns with his boy Braylon. He was talking to Dana (another Michigan alum) and she dug it.

Also, arghhh boring offseason.

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NCAA Releases APR Reports

Academic Progress Report for Michigan is available here, along with every Division I school.

Men’s Gymnastics was somehow in the 10th-20th percentile(!) within its sport, as was women’s basketball. Field hockey and women’s rowing were in the 20th-30th percentile within their respective sports. Every other sport had a respectable place among its peers.

These scores also provide an easy way to determine varsity sports that Michigan does not have:
Men’s Fencing
Men’s Lacrosse
Men’s Skiing
Men’s Volleyball
Men’s Water Polo
Women’s Bowling
Women’s Fencing
Women’s Ice Hockey
Women’s Lacrosse
Women’s Skiing
Co-ed Rifle

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Spring Practice Review Preview

Unfortunately, we had some technical difficulties, so we don’t have any audio on our interviews. All the players said basically the same thing, so we’ll try to get a loose paraphrase up at least. If anyone can read lips and wants to do a transcript, let us know.

We’re kind of tired and ready for a standard Saturday night in Ann Arbor, so look forward to the full review tomorrow or monday complete with pictures and moving pictures!

Just to whet your appetite, here’s a picture of the wide receivers with Verne Troyer:

Posted under Blog News, Spring Coverage

New Layout Alert

After over a year of brave service, the Minima Blue template has been retired. Trying to avoid (intentionally or unintentionally) copying the blogs that Tim and I read all the time, we tried a different approach to the Maize and Blue color scheme. This is one is based more on the away jerseys.

Let us know what you think about the new layout in comments.

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Another interesting bit from the Martin interview

See a couple posts down for the original.

“My goal in football, in the Big Ten, is to ideally play a complete round robin – 10 conference games and two non-conference (games). I’ve been fighting for that for four to five years. I’m not going to get it. But I think I’ll get nine games, soon.”

As commenters and Brian have noted, maybe our boy Billy isn’t so good at the math.

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Basketball Liveblog: Michigan vs. Minnesota

I’ll be liveblogging (most) of this game today. Unfortunately I have a class from 11:30 to 1 that I haven’t legitimately attended in about 3 weeks. Fortunately, the professor apparently hates to teach and routinely shows up late and lets class out early.

There is a rumor on the series of tubes that one could watch the game for free on ESPN360, but I don’t want to “that guy” who brings his laptop to class or “that guy” who’s laptop dies 20 minutes into class because his battery is shot.

Tim will attempt to catch what I miss during his class (obviously far more dedicated than I, either that or you really don’t have to pay attention in communications classes).

Hopefully we won’t have a repeat of last year. Let’s GO BLUE!

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New blogger added!

…and there was much rejoicing. By which I obviously mean lack of noticing.

Regardless, Paul has been added to the Varsity Blue Force Five team, and will theoretically add some sort of value to said blog. Hopefully he will at least post on days when I’m too lazy to (read: most days). Welcome him with open arms, dammit.

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More MGoBlog Manlove

Even in the bitter face of defeat, Brian can be not only stoic, but even humorous. Plus he wrote for the E3W and is short.

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MGoBlog Appreciation

After two attempts foiled by Angry Tim-Hating FireFox, here’s the original post, reinterpreted once more.

Brian over at MGoBlog is currently giving out some awards to College Football blogs, and I think he just may be selling himself a little short. If any blog deserves some sort of “most outstanding” award, it would be MGoBlog. I probably wouldn’t have even gotten into blogging without Brian, and I know I would have quit by now were it not for his awesome blog.

Not only does he have a hilarious sense of humor, and knack for rattling off some great prose, he is willing to put forth the effort (and has the knowledge) to break down almost every play of every game (Ball State and likely impending Rose Bowl notwithstanding).

Here are a few examples of Brian’s awesomeness:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Voracity – Shows off his hilarity in multiple ways (title of post, first part of post).

Upon Further Review Archive – Amazing analysis of essentially every Michigan Football game for the last two years, including some hilarious catchphrases (“Tacopants,” “Hennechart? Chart.”)

Eleven Swans – Accompanied by Sufjan Stevens’s “Seven Swans,” this is one of the most beautiful pieces of prose I can remember reading in a long time (Ronald Bellamy’s Underachieving All-Stars is AWESOME for this as well, but not the focus of this post).

Much love to Brian.

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