Donovan Warren is a junior corner coming off a down year. After being named a Freshman All-American, Warren struggled a bit as a sophomore. That said, he is still a major physical talent, and if he can remain healthy for the entire year, he stands to be one of Michigan’s most important players.
Je’Ron Stokes is an incoming freshman, and a 4-star recruit to both of the major recruiting sites. He will play wide receiver and slot, and perhaps even have the opportunity to return kicks and punts. He is an electrifying playmaker who will benefit from the Rodriguez offense’s ability to get playmakers in space.
Donovan Warren v. Je'Ron Stokes
- 2 Donovan Warren (85%, 646 Votes)
- 7 Je'Ron Stokes (15%, 113 Votes)
Total Voters: 759

The poll will remain open for 7 days, closing at 5PM next Saturday. Have your heart set on a particular candidate? Try to sway others in the comments. The full bracket is visible here.
Other Open Polls:
Minor v. Sheridan.
Gibbons v. Van Bergen.
Posted under Football
Tags: boring offseason, donovan warren, heisman campaign, jeron stokes